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Caruthers Wong

! @1W@Y5 F!6UR3D PWN RHYM35 W!7H 0WN5 0R M@YB3 PR0N


I'm about to marry a blog dork.


Caruthers Wong

That's okay, the dorks are in charge these days.

Blogger 2

The argument is still going on. It is not whether the word is pronounced right but rather which one is better. The one that rymes with spoon is obviously better, of course.


I concur


I concur


Pwned is official said "Owned"...but i like the word "Pawned" better so I say that. When I heard my friend say "pooned" i laughed my ass off. But he and his friends have spread it 2 their brothers and friends so their all against me. I tryed to convince them it was "owned" but they wouldn't listen

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