well i havn't blogged for sometime. sorry you folks had to read that crap that #3 likes to put on the blog...wasting space...and being #3...with my brother (shudder).....(big queer)...(i've got nothing against gay people....i just don't like my brother)
we got exams-a-comin up soon. anyone wanna dress up as me and take my latin exam for me? cause i sure don't. period. teehee
i was reading roboto and i stumbled upon this little....site with this dude who thinks he can go around telling everyone to blog the way he wants to...sheesh, what a jerk. but i'll link to it anyways because i think he knows what he's talking about but i do disagree with some things he says but i also do agree with alot of things. and i think i'm going to start doing some of those things...well i would if i was paying for the blogging program. i could just get the free google-powered blog thingy that he put on there, but it's a bit more fun with the other numbered kids...cause they're weird.
i've noticed that my fellow bloggers ONLY blog when they find something that is extremely interesting or amusing to blog about or some big event that occured, etc. i on the other would like to blog more like the dude says is the right way-- all the time about dumb stuff no one cares about. just like this post, for instance.
but you know if you do blog the way the guy tells me to, some people's blogs start to sound very xangaish which is very very bad because i've noticed that like 90% of the xangaers are complete idiots who just ramble on about their dumb lives.
so anyways i am considering starting a blog of my very own so i can write and/or do whatever i want on it...what do you guys think? i love comments...so always comment people.
I already gots my own solo blog.
Posted by: #1 | May 16, 2005 at 10:48 PM
If I h4d 4 bl0g 0f m3 v3ry own, t'w0uld b3 all ab0ut pi3 4nd cak3 and 1337 5p34k!! 7h0s3 3 things r t3h r0xx0rz!! w00t t0 taht yu011111
Posted by: #3 | May 17, 2005 at 02:53 AM
You bloggers (especially #1 and #2) are nuts. i'm sorry I missed your thugged-out security at the BlogNashville throw-down - maybe next time.
Posted by: Justin Bruce | May 17, 2005 at 03:54 AM
That Tony Pierce blog advice is a pretty good way to get started. Just getting content out there one or two times is the key to becoming a good blogger/writer.
Or posting pictures of girls. Whichever.
Posted by: Mr. Roboto | May 17, 2005 at 01:43 PM
very interesting indeed....
Posted by: mike jones | May 22, 2005 at 08:13 PM