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We just got back from seeing Revenge of the Sith. It was awesome! I think Lucas made up a little bit for Episode I.

On an unrelated note, I know you Jacob's Posse guys are gamers. I'm thinking about buying a new gaming console. What do you guys recommend? PS2? Xbox? Gamecube? Wanna do me a favor and post your review of each console? Thanks!


If you have the patience i think you should wait fot the next generation consoles. Get the xbox 360 if you want good online stuff but get the ps3 if you want better graphics and the gamecube, get it if you like all the old school games cause you can download all of them onto its hardrive along with playing gamecube games on it.


yeah #1's pretty much said it all. but i've played all of the consoles out there right now and i'd have to say xbox is the most fun because of xbox live primarily. loads of fun.


I would make ur choice based pretty much on teh games. The graphics r gonna be amazing on all of em so i dunno if u really wanna make ur choice on that. I havent heard muh about the PS3's game choices but the Xbox360's lineup is gunna be great. Project Gotham Racing 3, Gears of War, Call of Duty 2, Quake 4 and a few others that r gunna be awesome. Im goin witht he Xbox360 when it hits the US this holiday season cuz of Xbox Live and the games, but untill i hear more about the PS3 my minds already made up. Go with the Xbox if ur not gunna wait tho. My PS2 broke in about a year and a half so the quality just isnt there.


That first comment was by me. I don't know why I put #1. Sorry


Cool. Thanks for the help guys!!


Now I don't think I know any girls who go to Harpeth Hall, but I must take exception to your characterization of how the girls would have acted, had they attended the movie with you.

Some of us girls LIKE movies like Star Wars. Not episodes 1 & 2 of course, because they sucked. Nos. 4, 5 and 6 were quality cinema. And I'm excited to see 3 because I've read reviews like yours that make it sound like it's worthwhile. So just don't go panning a whole gender, will ya?


hahaha, didn't mean to offend anyone.

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