We did what normal fifteen year old kids do on a beautiful day and playing video games this weekend. We had a three game series between the red sox and the mets in MLB 06: The Show. Blogger 1 quit during the third game so I guess I won. Pwned.
I guess that we have been away for a while and that are last post was almost a year ago but whatever. Blogger 1 and I went to the titans preseason game tonight and decided to rekindle the jacob's posse flame. During halftime there was to peewee football game that is always amazing. We saw the greatest play in peewee football history and a true team player. The little guy intercepted the ball in the end zone and ran down the whole field with the entire other team chasing him. It reminded me of the music city miracle. Anyway, we are back for a while at least. I love you.
In the wake of E3, I felt that it was necessary for the posse to make an announcment on the future. Soon there will be a podcast with a collection of songs made up and performed by members of the posse and other people. wOOt!!!!111
<rant>When surfing other people's blogs, I noticed a site called googlism. I went to it to see what it was and saw that it is a complete rip off of the Urban Dictionary. I think it is sad that we live in a world that allows people to create unoriginal websites that are sub-par to the parent and beare accepted. Googlism is just am Urban Dictionary for old people. Jacobs Posse is against googlism.</rant>.
Blogger #1 edit: It is actually a modified search engine. Urban Dictionary is a wiki.
I will be doing the underground atlanta section cause i got the sweeeeetest belt buckle that will definitely make Mr.Roboto proud. You can see it if you go to that thingy at the GEC this friday. Anyway, the underground Atlanta is a mall that is "underground"(it has a roof). A few years ago, on the same trip, a kid was asked for a dollar and pulled out his wallet and was mugged so this year people were betting on who would get mugged. Luckily, all the crew of jacob's posse knew not to be stupid and walk into dark corners. As #1 and I walked the mall, we saw many shops and kiosks from "As Seen on TV" to a belt buckle kiosk, which was where I happened to purchase my amazing belt buckle. There wasn't much to do but walk around so we found an arcade and wasted our money there. Overall, underground atlanta was kinda fun and it had a sweet belt buckle. You can see the belt buckle of friday. For all of you non-going-to-the-thingy people I will post a picture later.
expanding. So unless you are the Messiah, the twelfth imam, jacob, you can't be #5
(#4 update)
okay, you people are dumb.
i'm getting alot of people iming me saying "omg, #2 says you're looking for a #5!!!! pick me!!!!"
re-read the post. i believe if you include the title with the post it'll say something like "no more people, and even if we were expanding, we wouldn't accept you."
Ben and Jerry's you perv. Look at all the people who are in line for Ben and Jerry's free Ice Cream cone day. If you look close enough you can see me taking the picture with a camera phone.