well i saw it tonight. very good. great special effects, good way to end one of the most popular series of movies of all time. good way to put another way too many dollars in lucus' pocket. i think it was better than the last two "episodes". my friends matt and perry went with me and this kid branson had to follow us because he has no friends and the whole movie he bitched like one of the girls would, had they come to the movie. i'm glad they didn't. i could just hear them next to us saying "this is boring/scary/loud/ihave no idea what's going on because i'm a girl...who goes to harpeth hall.." etc. but luckily i had branson next to me so hey. as shanley said it, it was the best performance by the emperor guy, methinks. i just thought i should blog this before sam does because i know he wanted to because he's a nerd.
you know what else it fun? opening starbursts with your mouth. they changed the startbursts coming in a bag at the movies to a box...with a bag full of them inside them...yet they still are the same price for fewer starbursts. very disappointed because they're only the best candy of all time.